Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Are You Fooling Yourself?

Last night I took a little walk down memory lane and found some old pictures of my first son's birth on the computer. He looked so precious and little and lovable but me...that's a whole other story. Holy Moly! What a reality trip. First...let me preface this by saying that I am in no way suggesting that pregnant people should not gain the 25-35 pounds recommended by OB/GYNs. They should but I think I took it to a whole other level :-) At the time I was completely fooling myself. I thought I'd gained a few pounds, as all pregnant women should, but I really thought I had kept my pregnancy weight under control and felt pretty smug about it. Not so much. I wasn't quite as cute as I thought I was. Yikes! I hardly recognized myself and I most definitely overindulged throughout my pregnancy cuz those post-pregnancy pictures were not pretty. I hardly recognized myself. Hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it?
My point is this...I didn't want to see the truth that was staring back at me in the mirror. It was much easier to convince myself that nothing had changed and of course I could eat M&Ms and ice cream every day and get away with it. I couldn't. It wasn't just my pregnancy though. I have fluctuated throughout the course of my life. Fat, skinny, chubby, just right, starvation, binging, purging, overeating you name it and I've been it and tried it. Until I found consistent exercise and took a reality check. I'd convinced myself a thousand times that the reason my skinny jeans were too tight is because I had just taken them out of the dryer or that my shirt was too tight because I had on a Miracle bra. Most of you can relate.
Diet and exercise have been my saving grace. Each day I try to make good healthy choices. I don't always succeed but I do my best.
Are you fooling yourself?