Sunday, May 17, 2009


OK...I was talking to my sister-in-law last night and contemplating my first FULL marathon. I have plently of halves under my belt but I have never been brave enough to venture the thought of a full. I am currently eyeballing the Tucson marathon in December. Yeah for me if I pull it off! Anyways...we got to talking about how you go about classifying yourself as a "runner". My thoughts are if you run and enjoy running then you are a runner, right? Do you have to run so far, so fast, so much to classify yourself as a "runner"? I think not.
I have been running the Cave Creek boot camp for about three years now and we now have a fantastic running group on our hands. It all started with a very inspirational camper who said, "I am going to run a marathon!" The bug caught on and we now have a group of 10 or so who get together 3 or 4 times a week to run. It does not matter how fast, slow or far you run. This is simply a great group of ladies who think they can and they do! Everyone is welcome and you will more than likely find a partner who may become your next best friend.
My point is never know what you are capable of until you try. I know it is a cliche but so true. If you asked any of these ladies a year ago whether or not they planned to run the PF Chang's Half Marathon in 2009 they would have thought you ISANE!!!! But they were there and they all finished. I am so proud:-) Cuz it ain't easy!


  1. Yes YOU CAN! I think you will be surprised when you do the full marathon. In fact... I would bet on you to qualify for Boston in your very first one.

  2. Girl all you need is alittle Kayne West and Eminem on the ole Ipod and you will have no problem running that marathon!

  3. GO GET 'EM JODI!! Someone once told me to not think about it and just commit myself! :) JUST DO IT! Heather

  4. You better be putting a link on your blog to our RC3 (Running Chicks of Cave Creek) because you got us into this and now there's no stopping...

  5. Can any of you ladies recommend a good heart rate monitor/GPS ? Hubby wants one for father's day. I know you ladies have told me before but the memory is pretty bad lately! Thx
